荳 - 肆歲拾壹個月, 芽 - 貳歲柒個月 ;Bean - 4 years and 11 months, Bud - 2 years and 7 months

荳 - 肆歲拾壹個月, Bean - 4 years and 11 months

Bean labeled her face and closed her eyes.

荳貼貼紙在臉上, 然後閉上眼睛.

芽 - 貳歲柒個月, Bud - 2 years and 7 months

Bud labeled her face and closed her eyes too.

芽也貼貼紙在臉上, 閉上眼睛.

荳 - 肆歲拾壹個月, 芽 - 貳歲柒個月 ;Bean - 4 years and 11 months, Bud - 2 years and 7 months

They were so happy that got new gift (x'mas' label).

